Drools score calculation (Deprecated)
Drools score calculation is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner. Consider switching to Constraint Streams with the help of our migration recipe. |
1. Overview
Implement your score calculation using the Drools rule engine. Every score constraint is written as one or more score rules.
Incremental score calculation for free
Because most DRL syntax uses forward chaining, it does incremental calculation without any extra code
Score constraints are isolated as separate rules
Easy to add or edit existing score rules
Flexibility to augment your score constraints by
Defining them in decision tables
Excel (XLS) spreadsheet
Performance optimizations in future versions for free
DRL learning curve
Usage of DRL
Polyglot fear can prohibit the use of a new language such as DRL in some organizations
Drools score calculation is not supported in Quarkus native mode. Consider switching to Constraint Streams. |
2. Drools score rules configuration
There are several ways to define where your score rules live.
2.1. A scoreDrl
resource on the classpath
This is the easy way.
The score rules live in a DRL file which is provided as a classpath resource.
Just add the score rules DRL file in the solver configuration as a <scoreDrl>
In a typical project (following the Maven directory structure), that DRL file would be located at $PROJECT_DIR/src/main/resources/org/optaplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nQueensConstraints.drl
(even for a war project).
The |
Add multiple <scoreDrl>
elements if the score rules are split across multiple DRL files.
Optionally, you can also set drools configuration properties:
<property name="drools.equalityBehavior" value="..." />
To enable property reactive by default, without a @propertyReactive
on the domain classes,
add <drools.propertySpecific>ALWAYS</drools.propertySpecific>
in there.
Otherwise OptaPlanner automatically changes the Drools default to ALLOWED
so property reactive is not active by default.
2.2. A scoreDrlFile
To use File
on the local file system, instead of a classpath resource, add the score rules DRL file in the solver configuration as a <scoreDrlFile>
For portability reasons, a classpath resource is recommended over a File. An application built on one computer, but used on another computer, might not find the file on the same location. Worse, if they use a different Operating System, it is hard to choose a portable file path. |
Add multiple <scoreDrlFile>
elements if the score rules are split across multiple DRL files.
3. Implementing a score rule
Here is an example of a score constraint implemented as a score rule in a DRL file:
rule "Horizontal conflict"
Queen($id : id, row != null, $i : rowIndex)
Queen(id > $id, rowIndex == $i)
scoreHolder.addConstraintMatch(kcontext, -1);
This score rule will fire once for every two queens with the same rowIndex
The (id > $id)
condition is needed to assure that for two queens A and B, it can only fire for (A, B) and not for (B, A), (A, A) or (B, B). Let us take a closer look at this score rule on this solution of four queens:

In this solution the Horizontal conflict
score rule will fire for six queen couples: (A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, C), (B, D) and (C, D). Because none of the queens are on the same vertical or diagonal line, this solution will have a score of -6
An optimal solution of four queens has a score of 0
Notice that every score rule uses at least one planning entity class (directly or indirectly through a logically inserted fact). It is a waste of time to write a score rule that only relates to problem facts, as the consequence will never change during planning, no matter what the possible solution. |
A ScoreHolder
instance is asserted into the KieSession
as a global called scoreHolder
The score rules need to (directly or indirectly) update that instance to influence the score of a solution state.
The |
4. Weighing score rules
If you’ve configured a constraint configuration, the score level and score weight of each constraint are beautifully decoupled from the constraint implementation, so they can be changed by the business users more easily.
In that case, use the reward()
and penalize()
methods of the ScoreHolder
package org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.solver;
global SimpleScoreHolder scoreHolder;
rule "Horizontal conflict"
Queen($id : id, row != null, $i : rowIndex)
Queen(id > $id, rowIndex == $i)
// Vertical conflict is impossible due the model
rule "Ascending diagonal conflict"
Queen($id : id, row != null, $i : ascendingDiagonalIndex)
Queen(id > $id, ascendingDiagonalIndex == $i)
rule "Descending diagonal conflict"
Queen($id : id, row != null, $i : descendingDiagonalIndex)
Queen(id > $id, descendingDiagonalIndex == $i)
They automatically impact the score for each constraint match by the score weight defined in the constraint configuration.
The drl file must define a package
(otherwise Drools defaults to defaultpkg
and it must match with the constraint configuration's constraintPackage
To learn more about the Drools rule language (DRL), consult the Drools documentation. |
The score weight of some constraints depends on the constraint match.
In these cases, provide a match weight to the reward()
or penalize()
The score impact is the constraint weight multiplied with the match weight.
For example in conference scheduling, the impact of a content conflict, depends on the number of shared content tags between 2 overlapping talks:
rule "Content conflict"
$talk1 : Talk(...)
$talk2 : Talk(...)
Presume its constraint weight is set to 100soft
So when 2 overlapping talks share only 1 content tag, the score is impacted by -100soft
But when 2 overlapping talks share 3 content tags, the match weight is 3
, so the score is impacted by -300soft
If there is no constraint configuration, you’ll need to hard-code the weight in the constraint implementations:
global HardSoftScoreHolder scoreHolder;
// RoomCapacity: For each lecture, the number of students that attend the course must be less or equal
// than the number of seats of all the rooms that host its lectures.
rule "roomCapacity"
$room : Room($capacity : capacity)
$lecture : Lecture(room == $room, studentSize > $capacity, $studentSize : studentSize)
// Each student above the capacity counts as one point of penalty.
scoreHolder.addSoftConstraintMatch(kcontext, ($capacity - $studentSize));
// CurriculumCompactness: Lectures belonging to a curriculum should be adjacent
// to each other (i.e., in consecutive periods).
// For a given curriculum we account for a violation every time there is one lecture not adjacent
// to any other lecture within the same day.
rule "curriculumCompactness"
// Each isolated lecture in a curriculum counts as two points of penalty.
scoreHolder.addSoftConstraintMatch(kcontext, -2);
Notice how addSoftConstraintMatch()
specifies that it’s a soft constraint,
and needs a negative number to penalize each match. Otherwise it would reward such matches.
The parameter ($capacity - $studentSize)
always results in a negative number because studentSize > $capacity
5. Testing Drools-based constraints
Drools-based constraints come with a unit testing harness.
To use it, first add a test scoped dependency to the optaplanner-test
jar to take advantage of the JUnit integration
and use the ScoreVerifier
classes to test score rules in DRL (or a constraint match aware incremental score calculator).
For example, suppose you want to test these score rules:
global HardSoftScoreHolder scoreHolder;
rule "requiredCpuPowerTotal"
rule "computerCost"
For each score rule, create a separate @Test
that only tests the effect of that score rule on the score:
public class CloudBalancingScoreConstraintTest {
private HardSoftScoreVerifier<CloudBalance> scoreVerifier = new HardSoftScoreVerifier<>(
public void requiredCpuPowerTotal() {
CloudComputer c1 = new CloudComputer(1L, 1000, 1, 1, 1);
CloudComputer c2 = new CloudComputer(2L, 200, 1, 1, 1);
CloudProcess p1 = new CloudProcess(1L, 700, 0, 0);
CloudProcess p2 = new CloudProcess(2L, 70, 0, 0);
CloudBalance solution = new CloudBalance(0L,
Arrays.asList(c1, c2),
Arrays.asList(p1, p2));
// Uninitialized
scoreVerifier.assertHardWeight("requiredCpuPowerTotal", 0, solution);
// Usage 700 + 70 is within capacity 1000 of c1
scoreVerifier.assertHardWeight("requiredCpuPowerTotal", 0, solution);
// Usage 700 + 70 is above capacity 200 of c2
scoreVerifier.assertHardWeight("requiredCpuPowerTotal", -570, solution);
public void computerCost() {
CloudComputer c1 = new CloudComputer(1L, 1, 1, 1, 200);
CloudComputer c2 = new CloudComputer(2L, 1, 1, 1, 30);
CloudProcess p1 = new CloudProcess(1L, 0, 0, 0);
CloudProcess p2 = new CloudProcess(2L, 0, 0, 0);
CloudBalance solution = new CloudBalance(0L,
Arrays.asList(c1, c2),
Arrays.asList(p1, p2));
// Uninitialized
scoreVerifier.assertSoftWeight("computerCost", 0, solution);
// Pay 200 for c1
scoreVerifier.assertSoftWeight("computerCost", -200, solution);
// Pay 200 + 30 for c1 and c2
scoreVerifier.assertSoftWeight("computerCost", -230, solution);
There is a ScoreVerifier
implementation for each Score
In the assertHardWeight()
and assertSoftWeight()
methods, the weight of the other score rules is ignored (even those of the same score level).
A ScoreVerifier does not work well to isolate score corruption,
use an |